"From task structures to world models: what do LLMs know?" (With Ilker Yildirim.) Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2024.
"How the evaluability bias shapes transformative decisions" (With Yoonseo Zoh and Molly Crockett.) Synthese, 2024.
"Self-orienting in human and machine learning" (With Julian De Freitas, Ahmet Kaan Uğuralp, Zeliha Oğuz-Uğuralp, Joshua Tenenbaum, and Tomer D. Ullman.) Nature Human Behavior, 2023.
"Distinguishing self-involving from self-serving choices in framing effects" Peer commentary on José Bermudez, "Rational Framing Effects" (With Molly Crockett). Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45, 2022.
"Uncomfortable decisions" (With Paul Bloom.) Experimental Philosophy of Identity and the Self, eds. Chen, Tobia, and Urmansky. Bloomsbury, 2022.
"Richard Pettigrew: Choosing for Changing Selves" The Philosophical Review 131, 2022.
"Are desires interdependent?" (With Fiery Cushman.) Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology, eds. John Doris and Manual Vargas, Oxford Univ. Press, 2022.
Chituc, V., Paul, L.A., & Crockett, M.J. "Evaluating transformative decisions." Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2021.
"The Paradox of Empathy" Episteme, 2021.
"Small Experience" (With Tey Meadow.) TEXTE ZUR KUNST, 2021.
"Aspiring to be Rational", comment on Agnes Callard's Aspiration, in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 102 (2): 481-485, and Callard's "Reply", 102 (2): 493-496, 2021.
"Who will I Become?" in Becoming Someone New: Essays on Transformative Experience, Choice, and Change, eds. John Schwenkler and Enoch Lambert, Oxford Univ. Press, 2020.
"Transformative Education" (With John Quiggin.) Educational Theory, 2020.
"The first time as tragedy, the second as farce" Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2020.
"Whose Preferences?" American Journal of Bioethics, 2020.
"Transformative Choice and the Non-Identity Problem" (With Nilanjan Das.) In Derek Parfit's Reasons and Persons: An Introduction and Critical Inquiry, ed. Andrea Sauchelli, Routledge, 2020.
"As Judged by Themselves" (With Cass Sunstein.) SSRN, draft of 2019.
Book Symposium with a précis of Transformative Experience, comments by symposiasts Paul Bloom, Krister Bykvist, Jenann Ismael, Tomer Ullman and John McCoy, and my replies, in Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, eds. Sara Dellantonio and Achille Varzi, 2020.
"Modal Prospection" (With John McCoy (first author) and Tomer Ullman.) in Metaphysics and Cognitive Science, eds. Alvin Goldman and Brian McLaughlin. Oxford University Press (US), 2019.
“Effective Altruism and Transformative Experience” (With Jeff Sebo (first author).) Effective Altruism: Philosophical Issues, eds. Hilary Greaves and Theron Pummer, Oxford University Press (UK), 2019.
“Real World Problems” (With John Quiggin.) Episteme, 2018.
“Transformative Treatments.” (With Kieran Healy.) Noûs 52, 2018.
“De Se Preferences and Empathy for Future Selves.” Philosophical Perspectives, 2018.
“Phenomenal Feel as Process.” Philosophical Issues, 2017.
“The Subjectively Enduring Self,” Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Temporal Experience, 2017.
“Objective and Subjective Perspectives.” Reply to Andrew Gelman and Christian Hennig, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 2017, pp. 51-52.
“Who am I? The immersed first personal view.” In Power and Limits of Artificial Intelligence, eds. Antonio M. Battro and Stanislas Dehaene, 2016.
“A One Category Ontology.” (With a reply by Peter van Inwagen.) Freedom, Metaphysics, and Method: Themes from van Inwagen, 2016.
“First personal modes of presentation and the structure of empathy.” (With a reply by Josh Dever and Herman Cappelen.) Inquiry, 2016.
“Experience, Metaphysics, and Cognitive Science.” Companion to Experimental Philosophy, 2016.
Précis of Transformative Experience and reply to symposiasts Elizabeth Barnes, John Campbell, and Richard Pettigrew for a book symposium in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 2015.
“What You Can’t Expect When You’re Expecting.” Res Philosophica, 2015.
Special issue on “What you can't expect when you're expecting, ” with thirteen articles on transformative experience, followed by a discussion of the philosophical issues around TE together with replies to the articles: “Transformative Choice: Discussion and Replies”, Res Philosophica 2015.
“Experience and the Arrow.” Chance and Temporal Asymmetry, 2014.
“Metaphysically Reductive Causation.” (With Ned Hall.) Erkenntnis, 2013.
“Categorical Priority and Categorical Collapse.” Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume, 2013.
“Realism about Structure and Kinds.” The Metaphysics of Science, 2013.
“Building the World from its Fundamental Constituents.” Philosophical Studies, 2012.
“Metaphysics as Modeling: The Handmaiden's Tale.” Philosophical Studies, 2012.
“Temporal Experience.” Journal of Philosophy, 2010.
“A new role for experimental work in metaphysics.” European Review on Philosophy and Psychology, 2010.
“The Puzzles of Material Constitution.” Philosophy Compass, 2010.
“The Counterfactual Analysis of Causation.” The Oxford Handbook on Causation, 2010.
“Constitutive Overdetermination.” Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, 2007.
“In Defense of Essentialism.” Philosophical Perspectives, 2006.
“Coincidence as Overlap.” Noûs, 2006.
“Introduction.” (With Ned Hall and John Collins.) Causation and Counterfactuals, 2004.
“The Context of Essence.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy, March 2004.
“Causation and Preemption.” (With Ned Hall) Philosophy of Science Today, 2003.
“Logical Parts.” Noûs, December 2002.
“Limited Realism: Cartwright on Natures and Laws.” Philosophical Books, 2002.
“Aspect Causation.” Journal of Philosophy, 2000.
“Keeping Track of the Time.” Analysis, 1998.
“The Worm at the Root of the Passions.” Utilitas, 1998.
“Problems with Late Preemption.” Analysis, 1998.
“Truth Conditions of Tensed Sentence Types.” Synthese, 1997.